Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel
A Chemical peel is a technique used to smooth the texture of the skin using a chemical solution by peeling off the outer damaged layers. The chemical peel is also used to rejuvenate the skin of the hands, neck, and other body parts.
A chemical solution of a peel can be customized according to the concerns of a patient to optimize the results. This leads to a variety of possible acid combinations and concentrations.
The following three types of Chemical peel are popular:
Superficial Peel:
A Superficial is also known as lunchtime peel. It is aimed at only the top level of the skin.
Chemicals Used in Superficial Chemical Peel:
Chemical peel mainly comprises trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and alpha-hydroxyl acid.
Benefits of Superficial Chemical Peel:
A superficial chemical peel is very effective for gentle exfoliation of the superficial layers of skin. It also removes dirt, debris, makeup, and dead skin cells from skin leaving your skin more youthful, fresh, and radiant. Moreover, it is also effective against common concerns like hyper-pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines.
After Superficial Chemical Peel:
Your skin might feel mildly irritated, dry and red. However, a mild ointment or cream petroleum jelly is applied to soothe the skin. With that said, these are not serious issues, you can wear makeup from the next day but skin cells take 1-7 days to grow again.
Medium Peel:
Medium-level peel is aimed at removing dead skin cells from both the outer layer of skin aka epidermis and the upper part of the middle layer of skin aka dermis.
Medium-level Chemical peel is more effective than lunchtime chemical peel to treat more serious skin concerns and achieve more radiant and youthful skin.
Chemicals Used in Medium Chemical Peel:
The main components of Medium depth Chemical peeling are Trichloroacetic acid, Jessner’s solution, and Glycolic acid.
Benefits of Medium Level Chemical Peel:
Medium peels help remove debris and damage below the surface by thorough exfoliation, penetrating the deeper skin layers. It is more effective than superficial chemical peel in treating skin concerns like pigmentation, sunburns, marks, or acne scars that lie in deeper layers of skin.
After Medium Level Chemical Peel:
After Medium level Chemical peel your skin might get red and swollen. Oftentimes, the Patient feels a tingling and burning sensation as well. However, some protective ointments are applied to the skin. You can use cosmetics and wear makeup after 5-7 days.
Deep Peel:
The deep facial chemical peel is aimed to penetrate down to the lower dermal layer of the skin.
It is effective in treating very serious skin concerns like pre-cancerous growth of blotches, deeper facial wrinkles, sunburns, and serious acne scars.
A pre-treatment of almost 8 weeks is also required for this treatment.
Which Chemicals Are Used in Deep Level Chemical Peel:
Deep-level Chemical peel is composed of the strongest chemical phenol also known as Carbolic acid and a high concentration of trichloroacetic acid.
What are the Benefits of Deep Chemical Peel:
- Deep Chemical peel is highly effective in treating fine lines under the eyes and mouth.
- They treat creases and wrinkles caused by sun damage.
- They treat the effects of early aging.
- They can treat the patches caused due to hormonal changes by taking certain medications.
- They are highly effective against melasma, hyper-pigmentation, wrinkles, and acne scars.
What are the After Deep Level Chemical Peel:
After a deep level Chemical Peel, Patients experience severe itching, swelling, and redness.
Often a surgical dressing is applied to the treated skin and you will have to apply the prescribed ointment or cream several times a day for a few weeks. However, Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after 2 weeks. Furthermore, you should wear sunscreen daily.
How are Chemical Peels Performed?
Firstly, your skin is thoroughly cleansed to remove excess oils, makeup, or sebum. Your eyes and hair are protected with glasses and a cap. Next, a chemical solution is applied to your skin the Chemical solutions are composed differently depending on the type of Chemical peel as explained above. Then, the chemical is neutralized or washed off and a cool compress is applied to the skin to relieve the stinging and burning sensation.
Note: The new skin developed after peeling is more sensitive. Follow the post-treatment instructions. Avoid sun exposure and apply daily moisturizer.
Click here to book your appointment with our talented aesthetician, Priscilla Tovar, at Precision Cosmetics today.