Laser Therapy

Best Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin

Sciton Moxi + BBL Hero

Laser skin rejuvenation is one of the latest treatments that employs lasers to provide non-invasive renewal of skin. In particular, two advanced Sciton lasers are in the most demand. 

Both MOXI and BBL Hero can help give your skin a more youthful, smooth, and radiant look. While each of them has advantages, you’ll want to know more about them to choose the best treatment to help you with your skin needs.  

What Does Laser Skin Rejuvenation Do?

Laser devices like MOXI and BBL Hero treat skin with a wide range of wavelengths. These Sciton lasers send this energy to penetrate deep into your skin’s uppermost layers. As it heats these layers, this heat is absorbed, leading to the stimulation of skin cells. This helps regenerate those skin cells while boosting cellular turnover to encourage production of new collagen for a firmed up appearance.

With laser treatments like these, it helps encourage your skin to replace older skin cells with new ones. The results are phenomenal as skin is restored to a smoother, clearer, more radiant, and youthful appearance.

Each of these laser skin rejuvenation treatments can be performed on most parts of the body from head to toe. Start with your face and work your way down to treat your chest, hands, and other areas that tend to make you look older.

What the BBL Hero Does Best

While both MOXI and BBL Hero are the most advanced laser skin rejuvenation treatments, knowing more about what each of them can do will help you pick the best one for your skin needs.

The BBL Hero is best known for helping with age and sun spots, as well as freckles. It is also ideal for getting rid of those small facial veins, redness, and rosacea. If you have acne or aging skin, the BBL Hero laser treatment is a great option.

More specifically, should your biggest concerns be the loss of firmness or getting rid of unwanted pigmentation, the BBL Hero will be your hero.

What MOXI Does Best for Skin

MOXI has some similarities to BBL Hero which is why you may not be sure which of these are a better match for treating your skin. MOXI is better for uneven pigmentation, tone, and texture, especially if you have sun damage to your skin.

If you’re just starting to notice those first signs of skin aging, MOXI is a better choice for you. This is because it can help prevent the signs of aging while tackling the first signs that have already appeared.

Benefits of Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Whichever Sciton laser you choose for your skin treatments, you will be thrilled with the results. Each of them are non-invasive and provide long-lasting results. There’s no downtime either which means you can go right back to living your best life. You’ll enjoy smoother, tighter, and more youthful skin. The best part is that these lasers are each faster and more effective than their predecessors, and they can treat larger areas.

Both MOXI and BBL Hero are safe for all skin types. Your choice will hinge on which one is best for the needs of your skin. BBL Hero is ideal if you have more noticeable signs of aging. For maintenance and improving the health of your skin while preventing those early signs of skin aging, MOXI may be your best fit.

Either way, these revolutionary laser skin rejuvenation treatments can be just what you need to feel confident, radiant, and youthful in your own skin again!


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